The CoffeeConnoisseurEducation covers the areas of coffee sensory, cup tasting and aroma science. It also provides knowledge about coffee cultivation and processing, coffee botany, as well as the basics of coffee preparation. The CoffeeConnoisseur gains the theoretical knowledge of the coffee chain, without going much deeper into the areas of hands-on barista or roaster activities. The CoffeeConnoisseur can, therefore, liaise between all the production and preparation issues throughout the coffee chain and provide guidance in sensory aspects.
This 6-day education program may be part of the CoffeologistEducation and includes a written exam. You will become a certified Coffee Connoisseur upon passing the exam and will be credited towards the Coffeologist Certification if you wish to obtain it by completing, also, the CoffeeCraftsmanEducation. This will be an international recognition as your name will be listed on Coffee Consulate’s Board of Coffee Alumni, which indicates that you are scientifically trained to be fit for potential coffee-related careers, namely coffee technicians, roasters, developers, trainers and executives throughout the coffee industry.The CoffeeConnoisseurEducation includes 6 Single-Day-Workshops:
Day 1, Monday: CoffeeProduction
Day 2, Tuesday: CoffeeTaxonomy
Day 3, Wednesday: CoffeeProvenances
Day 4, Thursday: CoffeeSensors
Day 5, Friday: Cuptasting
Day 6, Saturday: CoffeeAromas
The CoffeeCraftsmanEducation covers the areas of barista activities, the preparation of espresso, cappuccino (with latte art) and coffee drinks, as well as providing knowledge about the basics of roasting and the operation of coffee bars. The CoffeeCraftsman entails the practical skills and knowledge of the coffee chain, without going much deeper into the areas of sensory. The CoffeeCraftsman can, therefore, communicate to all barista and operating activities of the coffee chain and guarantee consistent operations and quality.
This 6-day education program may be part of the CoffeologistEducation and includes a practical exam. You will become a certified Coffee Craftsman upon passing the exam and will be credited towards the Coffeologist Certification if you wish to obtain it by completing, also, the CoffeeConnoisseurEducation. This will be an international recognition as your name will be listed on Coffee Consulate’s Board of Coffee Alumni, which indicates that you are scientifically trained to be fit for potential coffee-related careers, namely baristas, shop managers, developers, trainers and marketing executives throughout the coffee industry.The CoffeeCraftsman Education consits of 6 workshop days:
Day 1, Monday: CoffeePreparation
Day 2, Tuesday: Espresso
Day 3, Wednesday: LatteArtPouring
Day 4, Thursday: CoffeeDrinks
Day 5, Friday: CoffeeBarBasics
Day 6, Saturday: RoastBasics
Day 1, Monday: BuisnessPlan
Day 2, Tuesday: CoffeeTurnover
Day 3, Wednesday: Finances&Controlling
Day 4, Thursday: Expansion&Growth
Day 5, Friday: OperativeTools
Day 6, Saturday: FieldStudies
The RoasterEducation offers an intense introduction into the world of coffee roasting. From the influences of green coffee and roasting technology to physical and chemical processes plus roasting profiles and coffee blending, this compact course covers the spectrum of roasting. The course provides knowledge of raw materials and theoretical and practical skills to actively influence the flavour profile of coffee via the roasting profile. The education places particular emphasis on practical teaching.
This 6-day education program may be credited (+250) towards the Certified/Master Coffeologist Certification. You will become a qualified coffee roaster upon completing this program. This will be an international recognition as your name will be listed on Coffee Consulate’s Board of Coffee Alumni, which indicates that you are scientifically trained to be fit for potential coffee-related careers, namely roasters, buyers, developers, trainers and executives throughout the coffee industry.The RoasterEducation includes 6 workshop days:
Day 1, Monday: RoastProfiles
Day 2, Tuesday: CoffeeRoasting
Day 3, Wednesday: EspressoRoasting
Day 4, Thursday: CoffeeBlending
Day 5, Friday: CoffeeClassification
Day 6, Friday: RoasteryBasics
What is a CoffeeSensorist?A CoffeeSensorist is characterised by the precise description and identification of:Coffee types and varieties: recognising and differentiating between the various coffee species and their varieties.Processing: understanding the different processing methods and their influence on the flavour profile.Defects: identification and description of coffee defects according to international classifications.Why is the sensorial education important?This sensorial education provides an ideal foundation for:Cuptasters: Expand your skills to describe and analyse coffee accurately.Green coffee traders: Make informed decisions based on detailed sensory analyses.Roasters: Understand the nuances of green coffee to develop perfect roasting profiles.Baristi: Deepen your knowledge and sensory skills to better advise your customers.The Sensorical education programme:Day 1: FlavourProfilIntroduction to the role of the CoffeeSensorist
Overview of the tasks of a CoffeeSensorist. Introduction to the Coffee Consulate FlavourProfile and the AromaWheel with 11 main groups and subgroups.Day 2: Species&ProcessingCoffee types and processing methods
Differentiation and identification of coffee species. Understanding the different processing methods and their influence on the flavour profile.Day 3: VarietiesCuptastingCoffee varieties
Explanation and differentiation of various coffee varieties.Practical exercises to identify and describe varieties.Day 4: DefekteCuptastingCoffee defects
Detailed examination of coffee defects according to NY and Brazil classifications.Practical exercises in identifying and describing defects.Day 5: EspressoCuptastingEspresso cupping
Introduction to the special features of espresso cupping.Practical tasting and description of espresso profiles.Day 6: SensoristExaminationFinal examination
Comprehensive practical exam covering the entire range of topics covered.Feedback, discussion and certification.
Die CoffeeTechnicianAusbildung bildet die Bereiche der Tätigkeiten eines Kaffeetechnikers ab. Von der WasserKunde, über Mahlung und Extraktion bis hin zum Arbeiten an der Kolbenkaffeemaschine (Vollautomat) und deren korrekte Einstellung, sowie die Zubereitung verschiedenster Kaffeegetränke und Kaffeespezialitäten mit der Kolbenkaffeemaschine. Der CoffeeTechnician erlernt das systematische Erkennen und Analysieren von Einstellungsfehlern und das korrekte Einstellen der Maschine, sowie die systematische Fehlersuche und Behebung.
Die CoffeeTechicianAusbildung richtet sich an Kaffeetechniker, Entwickler, Shopmanager und Mitarbeiter der Kaffeemaschinen-Branche.Die CoffeeTechnician Ausbildung besteht aus 6 Workshoptagen:
Tag 1, Montag: WasserKunde
Tag 2, Dienstag: KaffeeMahlung
Tag 3, Mittwoch: KaffeeExtraktion
Tag 4, Donnerstag: MaschinenEinstellung
Tag 5, Freitag: CoffeeMenue
Tag 6, Samstag: TroubleShooting
High coffee quality can only be achieved through an in-depth understanding of the entire coffee value chain. Following the model of sommeliers and oenologists, we have developed a course for coffeologists to be representatives of the entire "bean-to-cup" process, whose knowledge and field of activity extends beyond that of a standard barista.
The CoffeologistEducation uses a scientific approach to deliver intense knowledge of the cultivation, processing, botany, defects and their causes, sensors, cuptasting and coffee aromas as well as the fundamentals of barista work, roasting and management of coffee shops.
The CoffeologistEducation is aimed at coffee technicians, roasters, developers, trainers and managers throughout the coffee industry.
The CoffeologistEducation includes 12 Single-Day-Workshops:
Day 1, Monday: CoffeeProduction
Day 2, Tuesday: CoffeeTaxonomy
Day 3, Wednesday: CoffeeProvenances
Day 4, Thursday: CoffeeSensors
Day 5, Friday: Cuptasting
Day 6, Saturday: CoffeeAromas
Day 7, Monday: CoffeePreparation
Day 8, Tuesday: Espresso
Day 9, Wednesday: LatteArtPouring
Day 10, Thursday: CoffeeDrinks
Day 11, Friday: CoffeeBarBasics
Day 12, Saturday: RoastBasics
High coffee quality can only be achieved through an in-depth understanding of the entire coffee value chain. Following the model of sommeliers and oenologists, we have developed a course for coffeologists to be representatives of the entire "bean-to-cup" process, whose knowledge and field of activity extends beyond that of a standard barista.
The CoffeologistEducation uses a scientific approach to deliver intense knowledge of the cultivation, processing, botany, defects and their causes, sensors, cuptasting and coffee aromas as well as the fundamentals of barista work, roasting and management of coffee shops.
The CoffeologistEducation is aimed at coffee technicians, roasters, developers, trainers and managers throughout the coffee industry.
The CoffeologistEducation includes 12 Single-Day-Workshops:
Day 1, Monday: CoffeeProduction
Day 2, Tuesday: CoffeeTaxonomy
Day 3, Wednesday: CoffeeProvenances
Day 4, Thursday: CoffeeSensors
Day 5, Friday: Cuptasting
Day 6, Saturday: CoffeeAromas
Day 7, Monday: BusinessPlan
Day 8, Tuesday: CoffeeTurnover
Day 9, Wednesday: Finances&Controlling
Day 10, Thursday: Expansion&Growth
Day 11, Friday: OperativeTools
Day 12, Saturday: FieldStudies
High coffee quality can only be achieved through an in-depth understanding of the entire coffee value chain. Following the model of sommeliers and oenologists, we have developed a course for coffeologists to be representatives of the entire "bean-to-cup" process, whose knowledge and field of activity extends beyond that of a standard barista.
The CoffeologistEducation uses a scientific approach to deliver intense knowledge of the cultivation, processing, botany, defects and their causes, sensors, cuptasting and coffee aromas as well as the fundamentals of barista work, roasting and management of coffee shops.
The CoffeologistEducation is aimed at coffee technicians, roasters, developers, trainers and managers throughout the coffee industry.The CoffeologistEducation includes 12 Single-Day-Workshops:
Day 1, Monday: CoffeeProduction
Day 2, Tuesday: CoffeeTaxonomy
Day 3, Wednesday: CoffeeProvenances
Day 4, Thursday: CoffeeSensors
Day 5, Friday: Cuptasting
Day 6, Saturday: CoffeeAromas
Day 7, Monday: RoastProfiles
Day 8, Tuesday: CoffeeRoasting
Day 9, Wednesday: EspressoRoasting
Day 10, Thursday: CoffeeBlending
Day 11, Friday: CoffeeClassification
Day 12, Friday: RoasteryBasics
High coffee quality can only be achieved through an in-depth understanding of the entire coffee value chain. Following the model of sommeliers and oenologists, we have developed a course for coffeologists to be representatives of the entire "bean-to-cup" process, whose knowledge and field of activity extends beyond that of a standard barista.
The CoffeologistEducation uses a scientific approach to deliver intense knowledge of the cultivation, processing, botany, defects and their causes, sensors, cuptasting and coffee aromas as well as the fundamentals of barista work, roasting and management of coffee shops.
The CoffeologistEducation is aimed at coffee technicians, roasters, developers, trainers and managers throughout the coffee industry.
The CoffeologistEducation includes 12 Single-Day-Workshops:
Day 1, Monday: CoffeeProduction
Day 2, Tuesday: CoffeeTaxonomy
Day 3, Wednesday: CoffeeProvenances
Day 4, Thursday: CoffeeSensors
Day 5, Friday: Cuptasting
Day 6, Saturday: CoffeeAromas
Day 7, Monday: WaterScience
Day 8, Tuesday: CoffeeGrinding
Day 9, Wednesday: CoffeeExtraction
Day 10, Thursday: MachineSettings
Day 11, Friday: CoffeeMenue
Day 12, Saturday: TroubleShooting