The BaristaClass teaches the fundamentals of barista work: Handling espresso machines and grinders, preparing a perfect espresso, working with milk and correct, professional milk frothing.
The BaristaClass Basic includes 2 Single-Day-Workshops:
Day 1, Monday: Espresso
Day 2, Tuesday: LatteArt Pouring
The BaristaClass teaches the fundamentals of barista work: Handling espresso machines and grinders, preparing a perfect espresso, working with milk and correct, professional milk frothing.
The BaristaClass Professional includes 3 Single-Day-Workshops:
Day 1, Monday: Espresso
Day 2, Tuesday: LatteArt Pouring
Day 3, Wednesday: CoffeeDrinks
The CupTasterClass delivers sensory skills in the world of coffee. The CupTasterClass Basic comprises the Sensory Aspects of Coffee and CupTasting workshops. The classes allow cup tasters, green coffee dealers, roasters and baristas to describe coffees more precisely and to draw conclusions regarding roasting and green coffee.
The CuptasterClass Basic includes 2 Single-Day-Workshops:
Day 1, Wednesday: CoffeeSensors
Day 2, Thursday: Cuptasting
The CupTasterClass delivers sensory skills in the world of coffee. The CupTasterClass Professional comprises the Sensory Aspects of Coffee and CupTasting workshops. The Class additionally covers the topic of coffee aromas. The classes allow cup tasters, green coffee dealers, roasters and baristas to describe coffees more precisely and to draw conclusions regarding roasting and green coffee.
The CuptasterClass Professional includes 3 Single-Day-Workshops:
Day 1, Wednesday: CoffeeSensors
Day 2, Thursday: Cuptasting
Day 3, Friday: CoffeeAromas
The LatteArtClass Professional delivers the fundamentals of latte art, from correctly prepared espresso to milk frothing with micro froth and latte art pouring techniques. The course also includes latteart etching techniques and more intensive sections on pouring.
The LatteArtClass Professional includes 3 Single-Day-Workshops:
Day 1, Monday: Espresso
Day 2, Tuesday: LatteArt Pouring
Day 3, Wednesday: LatteArtEtching