RS16 BrewingStation
Die RS16-BrewingStation ist eine Brühbar aus hochwertigem Edelstahl mit Platz für sechs RS16 Glasfilter. Sie ist ideal für den Einsatz in Röstereien zur Verkostung von Spezialitätenkaffees sowie auch für die Zubereitung einzelner Tassen Filterkaffee in Coffeeshops.
Die Brewing-Station wird ohne Glasfilter geliefert.
September 9, 2022 01:47
Worth it
After participating at some workshops at Coffee Consulate. We were using the RS-16 for quick brew preparation methods. The perks of using cups of glass with filters at the bottom without any kind of paper filter in between also helped to notice that the coffee in fact can taste different when being absorbed by the pulp/paper texture when dripping to the cup. It facilitates for a more natural and reliable procedure of brewing individual cups. Also has a neat look if using it at the coffee bar when serving customers. Easy to clean, just need to be very careful when cleaning the glass filters.
August 31, 2022 21:56
Another Brewing technique !
I bought the RS-16 station with glass and metallic RS-16 filters in order to compare with other filter media (paper, cotton). I needed to play with coarser grind settings, but at the end, the extractions were very clean. I recommend this brewing station when you want to brew more coffees with the same equipment. The option with single cupper is also possible making this RS-16 very flexible and easy to use.