The RoastingBasics workshop offers a theoretical and practical insight into the roasting process and procedures during the various roasting phases.
December 7, 2020 12:31
Improving as a barista
I am a barista and never learned more in depth about how coffee is really being roasted before consumer use. Impressed by all the equipment and the wide range of topics covered using multiple methods. All the way from harvesting the coffee plant and cultivation; how the unroasted coffee is packed and exported, tips about establishing long-term business relationships with traders, and the whole explanation and practice of the main phases of what happens in the roasting process, as this was my first time hearing the term "The Maillard reaction". I never thought there were so many defects on the coffee beans as you learn to identify and categorize them individually (the coffee defect sample sets they made for learning purposes were really creative). I had so much fun creating my roasting profile where you balance the sweetness and acidity of the roast. I recommend this for baristas and people thinking to run their own roastery!