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Product number: Coff-Sens-2025.05.12-17

What is a CoffeeSensorist?

A CoffeeSensorist is characterised by the precise description and identification of:

Coffee types and varieties: recognising and differentiating between the various coffee species and their varieties.

Processing: understanding the different processing methods and their influence on the flavour profile.

Defects: identification and description of coffee defects according to international classifications.

Why is the sensorial education important?

This sensorial education provides an ideal foundation for:

Cuptasters: Expand your skills to describe and analyse coffee accurately.

Green coffee traders: Make informed decisions based on detailed sensory analyses.

Roasters: Understand the nuances of green coffee to develop perfect roasting profiles.

Baristi: Deepen your knowledge and sensory skills to better advise your customers.

The Sensorical education programme:

Day 1: FlavourProfil

  • Introduction to the role of the CoffeeSensorist Overview of the tasks of a CoffeeSensorist. 
  • Introduction to the Coffee Consulate FlavourProfile and the AromaWheel with 11 main groups and subgroups.

Day 2: Species&Processing

  • Coffee types and processing methods Differentiation and identification of coffee species. 
  • Understanding the different processing methods and their influence on the flavour profile.

Day 3: VarietiesCuptasting

  • Coffee varieties Explanation and differentiation of various coffee varieties.
  • Practical exercises to identify and describe varieties.

Day 4: DefekteCuptasting

  • Coffee defects Detailed examination of coffee defects according to NY and Brazil classifications.
  • Practical exercises in identifying and describing defects.

Day 5: EspressoCuptasting

  • Espresso cupping Introduction to the special features of espresso cupping.
  • Practical tasting and description of espresso profiles.
Day 6: SensoristExamination

  • Final examination Comprehensive practical exam covering the entire range of topics covered.
  • Feedback, discussion and certification.

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December 13, 2024 13:00


Coffee sensorist course in Malaysia 02.12.2024- 07.12.2024

Luckily, we were able to join the very first Coffee Consulate sensory course in Asia. The course was held at Earthling Coffee Workshop, one of their partners in Malaysia. There were almost 25 students from various countries — Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Korea. Under Dr. Steffen’s expert guidance, we discussed and shared our thoughts, opinions, and views openly. We learned to appreciate both the similarities and differences between us, and we came to understand why it is important to maintain a flexible and open mindset towards coffee. Coffee is not just a beverage; it is also a culture, a history, and a philosophy. For me, this is the most valuable aspect of Coffee Consulate education. It encourages us to reflect on what is most important and valuable in the coffee industry and to consider its future. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Coffee Consulate, Dr. Steffen, Kenny Lee (Earthling Coffee Workshops, Malaysia), and Yuing Tsai (Da Vinci Coffee, Taiwan) for this incredible learning experience.